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Resista Pilates Spring Board Wall Board + Push Bar


$1,227.27 ex GST

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  •  Our Resista Pilates Spring Board Wall Board + Push Bar stands out as a unique machine renowned for its versatility, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to optimise their exercise space and maximise their workout potential.
  • This unit combines the functionality of a Cadillac, Ped-Pull, Leaning Platform, Ballet Bar, and Suspension Training apparatus, offering you a comprehensive Pilates experience.
  • Includes 8 Springs Comes complete with: 1 set of 8 springs, including two yellow (light) long springs, two green (medium) long springs, two yellow (light) short springs, and two green (medium) short springs, ensuring a wide range of resistance options.
  • Wall-Mounted for Space Efficiency Designed to be conveniently wall-mounted, this equipment saves valuable floor space while providing a complete workout solution.

Experience the freedom to diversify your workouts and make the most of your exercise space with our comprehensive package that includes everything you need for a successful Pilates workout.

Product Dimensions:

  • Width: 55.5 cm
  • Height: 182.5 cm


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